One challenge that needs to be solved by a Food Chain Restaurants is how to keep every taste of their menu the same on every outlet. Even using the same ingredients, if the chef is not the same, chances for every dish to have a different taste will increase. NP Foods has developed a solution to answer this challenge by using seasoning oil that can be applied on the finishing process. We offer simplicity, ease, consistency and the power of Seasoning Oil that can enhance the taste and aroma of every dish that you make. We have many types NP II Tastescape Oil that have good aroma and can enhance the taste of your dishes :
Charcoal Oil
Our charcoal oil has a smoky aroma that is the same character in traditional indonesian smoked fish. This kind of aroma also can be found in BBQ, steak, and satay. No need for the grilled process to get the smoky profile on your Dishes. Only add one drop to your dish, to get the smoky aroma fill in your mouth. Smoky aroma is matched to every dish that has to be grilled. Easy, save time and efficiency.
Wok Mala Oil
The popularity of Mala seasoning in Indonesia is slowly increasing, slowly but
Sure. We have developed Wok Mala oil which is a mixture of aroma of wok and mala. Those aromas blend well together and create new flavors that match with dishes. It can be applied to Mie Goreng & Nasi Goreng!
Truffle Cheese Oil
2024 is the year for Truffle seasoning! There are many snacks which come from any brand that has this flavor. NP Foods has developed new products not only for snacks but also can be applied to dishes. We mixed the uniqueness of the truffle with cheese aroma which has a good, balanced and rounded flavor. Truffle Cheese Oil mixes well in many types of dressing mayonnaise, carbonara sauce and cheese sauce.
Nacho Cheese Oil
Nacho cheese is one flavor that is categorized as everlasting cheese in Indonesia, alongside cheddar cheese. Common flavor found in snack tortilla's snack. We decided to develop Nacho Cheese Oil to expand the usage not only best for snack tortilla but also match with another dish. Also match
NP Foods is continuing to develop and create new solution seasoning for Food Industries. Not only in the snack industry, but expand to noodle industry, meat process industry and Horeca. We are committed to help and support your development of food products. Feel free to contact us for request a sample of NP II Tastescape Oil.