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Tartrazine as Food Color

NP Foods

Continuing the last article about food color, another food color that is common in Indonesia is Tartrazine. Tartrazine is a yellow synthetic color that usually applies to Drinks, cereal, sweets, crackers, rice cake, and flavored drinks. This color also can be found in some traditional cakes. Finisia (2013) found tartrazine is being used in traditional snack like Getuk Lindri and Kerupuk as single food color, and in traditional cake (klepon) but the producer mixes it with brilliant blue to get Green Color.

Unfortunately, BPOM has regulated that Tartrazine cannot be used in food category which is Getuk Lindri, meanwhile for traditional cake ; klepon which is in food category 06.7 Tartrazine and Brilliant blue is allowed.

In seasoning and snack which refers to food category 12.2 and 15.0 respectively; the use of Tartrazine is prohibited by BPOM. As an alternative another natural food color is allowed such as Curcumin and Riboflavin. BPOM regulates maximum doses for those both 500 ppm and 200 ppm respectively. Meanwhile Riboflavin maximum permitted levels is 150 ppm.

Health issue. Some studies found that in everyday consumption of Tartrazine even in low doses would increase the potential body organ in future. Some organs like the kidney and liver will have a bad effect on its consumption. In 30 days consumption, stress oxidation will increase in those both organs because of accumulation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) or free radicals.

Tartrazine can still be used in a wide range of biscuits, drinks and some traditional cakes. Nevertheless, Tartrazine abuse in seasoning and snacks still exist. Thus, all consumers especially for parents have to increase their control to check on their kids snacks for food labels, or their specification product if the product is purchased directly from the seasoning manufacturer.

PT. NP Foods Indonesia is committed to producing and distributing products that comply with BPOM Regulations, as we follow Indonesia Governments and as our concern for the Indonesian people for what they consume.


  • Peraturan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan nomor 11 Tahun 2019 Tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan

  • Amin, Kamal A & Fawzia S. Al-Shehri, 2018, Toxicological and safety assessment of tartrazine as a synthetic food additive on health biomarkers : a review, Egypt :African Journal of Biotechnology.

  • Karunia, Finisia B, 2013, Kajian penggunaan zat adiktif makanan (pemanis dan pewarna) pada kudapan bahan pangan lokal di pada kota Semarang, Semarang : Food Science and Cullinary Education Journal.


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